Frozen Products

The frozen and deep-frozen market deserves special attention from A Ezequiel. For this purpose it has the logistical conditions at the level of the cold, which guarantee the fulfillment of the conservation requirements of food products with the guarantee of the cold chain up to the point of sale. Some of the brands represented for this group are Nestlé, Dihor, BakeMark, Chousa, Kentes, etc.

The frozen group is divided into several sub-groups called:


  • Potatoes and Vegetables : quality guaranteed by our Dihor brand.


  • Meats: Bird, Bovine, Goat, Steer and Pig.


  • Herbs : to give aroma and taste to your dishes.


  • Seafood: Various types of shrimp.


  • Bakery : consisting of Baguettes, Specialties, Stuffed, Ready to Eat and Catering.


  • Pastry : with products Lêvedos, Miniaturas, Non Lêvedos, Pre-Cooked, Ready and Ready to cook products.


  • Fish : Cod, Squid, Cuttlefish, Fillets, Octopus.


  • Preparations : Meat, Fish and Starters that help you prepare your dishes.


  • Ready Meals : Meat, Fish, Garnish, Italian, Quiche, Sandwiches and Soups.


The range is made up of raw products, prepared products ready to cook and also ready-made products of convenience already cooked or prepared.